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Frequent Questions

Internship Requirement

On my certificate, it’s only Written Medicine/Surgery and not General Medicine/General Surgery. Is this alright?

Yes, this is alright.

On my certificate, it’s only written Orthopedics and not Trauma &Orthopedics. Is this acceptable?

Yes, it is acceptable.

On my House Job certificate, it’s written Medicine & Allied/Surgery &Allied. Is this acceptable?

No, it has been observed that IMC does not accept any certificate with the word “ALLIED” on it.

My rotations are 6 months in General Medicine and 6 Months in General Surgery. Is this acceptable?

Yes, this is acceptable.

EPIC Process

How much time this whole EPIC process will take?

It will take almost 2-4 weeks. The process could be prolonged depending upon how fast your college and PMC verify your documents and send them back to Pakistan Medical Commission

I need to have my Internship Certificate or Certificate of Experience verified through EPIC, but there seems to be no category for this credential. Which category should I select?

Medical Degree & House Job/Internship Experience Certificate should be uploaded to EPIC as Postgraduate Medical Education Credentials.

How far in advance of applying for registration to the Medical Council do I need to upload my credentials to EPIC?

We recommend that you create an EPIC Account and upload your credentials to EPIC as soon as possible after you have decided to apply to the Medical Council for registration. Through EPIC, your credentials are verified directly with the issuing institution. The time required to complete the verification of credentials varies and depends on several factors, including the time it takes for the issuing institution to respond to our verification requests.

Which qualifications do I need to submit to the Medical Council through EPIC?

Medical Degree & House Job/Internship Experience Certificate.

When do I need to verify my documents through EPIC?

Verification should be completed before an application for registration is submitted to the Medical Council.

I am applying to the Medical Council for registration; do I need to use EPIC?

The Medical Council requires only Category 4 applicants for entry in the General and Trainee Specialist Divisions—applicants who qualified outside of the European Union, the European Economic Area, and Switzerland—to create an EPIC Account and have their credentials primary-source verified through EPIC.

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